Selected Poetry
“What Use” & “Bent Record,” Annulet
“Feeling Transcripts from the Outpost,” Places Journal
from “NOW,” Copenhagen
“Then,” The Baffler
from “NOW,” BOMB
from “NOW,” POETRY
“Experiment with Aspic,”
“Herewith the Prologue:,” The Brooklyn Rail
“Meadow Interregnum,” Apartment Poetry
from “Epistle to the Efficience,” The Rumpus
from “Rhapsody,”
“In the Weeds,” The Poetry Project
“Il y a un futur. Le futur passe” & “Meniscus,” Witness
“Prospekt,” FOLDER Magazine
“Leech Country,” “Five Acres,” “Strangler Fig,” & “Ballet,” Conjunctions
“Letters, Minor,” DIAGRAM
Selected Translations
from In the Realm of Motes by Baptiste Gaillard, Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation
“It Is You Who Corrupt My Rayless Corpus: A Series of Mistranslations by Aditi Machado and Katrine Øgaard Jensen,” BOMB
from In the Realm of Motes by Baptiste Gaillard, European Literature Network
from Prosopopoeia by Farid Tali, World Literature Today
Selected Prose
“The Poetry of the World’s First Cookbook,” Lit Hub
“On Etel Adnan’s The Arab Apocalypse (1980),” Jacket2
“The Radial Symmetry of Pain in Creeley’s ‘The Flower,’” The Explicator